Reinventing my blog

After registering this blog some 12-13 months back i think i did lose my concentration in making this an interesting place for all visitors. i think my blog has become a place where i jus express what i usually dont express publicly. I think i have written few posts without even thinking how a reader will be able to understand what i was saying.

Well i would like to change that.

From now on you will see lots of interesting stuffs.

Oflate something what that has been really eating my time is the word – innovation. You may call it one another jargon well i cant think of some other word to express the same meaning right now so will use it.

Well, this friday evening am not certainly in a mood to write so will leave an interesting website which i jus found. Check this Its good and covers a range of topics across industries. Hope you will enjoy reading it. I would also like to post here one post frm the same website which i think will be good starting point to continue the discussion in the next edition of this post.

so here it is

“The Putting People Firstblog points to a new study from Social Technologies, a Washington, D.C.-based consulting firm that has researched how consumers interact with technology-related products and services. According to Social Technologies, there are 12 underlying values– such as simplicity, efficiency and personalization – that represent the characteristics that consumers will look for in products, services, and technologies over the next 10 to 15 years: (1) Appropriateness (2) Assistance (3) Connectedness (4) Convenience (5) Efficiency (6) Health (7) Intelligence (8) Personalization (9) Protection (10) Simplicity (11) Sustainability (12) User creativity”

Lets talk about leveraging technology to provide breakthru services to consumer markets.

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